Two Cents Worth
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Into the Sunshine
The sun is shining. Not outside, in here where I am. I think I've made it through to the other side once again. The bitch had me for awhile. The one that wants me to die. She waits for me to get tired or lonely or hurt, then she'll pounce. I think she's getting weaker. She didn't fight as hard this time and she won't be back anytime soon, I hope.
I'll admit it finally, I have chronic depression. Yes, I could medicate it away but when I do I lose part of me too. I spent two years feeling nothing. Not sad or happy or angry or love. Nothing. Just can't do that again. So I'll keep fighting her. Drowning out her lies in my head with white noise. Lalalalala...hear that bitch? That's me. I'm getting stronger. Smarter too.
posted by twocents @ 12:21 PM  
  • At 2:26 PM, Blogger Amethyst Rising said…

    I, too, have fought depression my whole life.
    Congratulations on facing it head on... That is the toughest mountain to get over. I am proud of you!
    And just like nightmares, when you face it, and tell it you are not afraid of it, it loses it's power.

  • At 4:10 PM, Blogger Buffalo said…

    One freakin moment at a time.

  • At 5:39 PM, Blogger Jayne said…

    I have been there--and the bitch still comes to visit uninvited--you (and your triumph) will be in my prayers. You are not alone in the darkness, numbness, wondering where the light went. Peace to you and yours.

  • At 3:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Keep your head above water! The sun is soon to be shining! Keep your eye on her and she can't get the best of you! Remember you are stonger than she is!

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